Monday, 18 February 2013

A london bus interior post!

An interior of a Wrightbus Eclipse Gemini owned by Go-Ahead London on route 45.

This is First Centrewest's only Wrightbus Streetlite. Here it is on route 228.

Route 45 again. This was the same bus as you saw earlier in the post and it is in the same direction.

The bell on one of Go-Ahead London's Mercedes Citaro's on route 521.

Another 45 Wrightbus. Also bound for Clapham Park. This bus ( not the route but the actual Wrightbus) has appeared three times on this post!

Arriva London's Wrightbus Gemini 2 on route 242. I like Arriva's seat design.

A repeat of the last picture.

This is almost an archive picture. A Metroline Dart Pointer on route 46.

Finally London United's recent seat design. I hope you enjoyed my post!

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