Saturday, 30 March 2013

Route H28 New Buses.

I know this post is extremely late, but I just haven't had time to do long posts. First up, the iBus indicator at Busch Corner showing the rather infrequent route H28 service.

This is one of the old dart pointer's interior's!

The iBus screen showing Jersey Road.

The front of X315 KRX.

The back of an old dart with a relatively old 267 behind.

On a different day, the iBus indicator at Busch Corner.

The iBus indicator at Busch Corner ( again).

The front of an old dart.

The old seats on a dart.

Now we get to the new buses, so here we go- the back of a new Enviro 200.

The iBus indicator at Busch Corner AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The front of bus 8585.

The iBus screen showing H28 to Bull's Bridge.

The front interior  of a new bus.

The front of YX62 DDE.

The front interior of a new bus.

The new bells.

And finally, the front interior of a brand new Enviro 200.

                                            KEY FACTS ABOUT ROUTE H28:

  •  Runs from Bulls Bridge to Osterley Tesco.
  • Has a PVR of 8.
  • Has a frequency of every 20-30 minutes.
  • Route owned by Abellio London.
  • Operates out of Hayes Garage.
  • Has 64 stops going one way on it's route.
  • It is one of the windiest routes in London.
  • Going towards Bulls Bridge it makes me late for some things.

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