Thursday, 30 May 2013

New bus company (fictional) !

Hello readers. Before I start my first fictional tender updates there are a few points I shall make. The company's name is London Buses: On The Go. I will be opening new depots at certain points in London.  I will choose my routes by randomly picking bus routes from a list which is provided by myself. I will not just deliberately choose routes near my local area. So here are the first ten routes I will be taking over:

  • Route 17: B9TL 10.4m Gemini 2 introduced.
  • Route 32: 10.6m Scania OmniCity introduced.
  • Route 47: 10.2m Enviro 400 introduced.
  • Route 64: 10.2m Enviro 400 introduced.
  • Route 85: B9TL 10.4m Gemini 2 introduced.
  • Route 1:   10.2m Enviro 400 introduced.
  • Route 101: B9TL 10.4m Gemini 2 introduced.
  • Route 135: VM1 introduced.
  • Route 153: 8.8m Streetlite introduced.
  • Route 173: 12m Citaro introduced.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Mate. May I please help you along with your Fictional bus company? I will probably be using London Buses : On The Go as it's name, I think it's one of the best names I heard. If possible could I please be a blog admin for your blog? I will be helping you cover South and Central (Sometimes North and East).

    LondonBusEnthusiast453 :)


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