Tenders Page Comments (2)


  1. The 227 is going to be getting new Streetlight Max and the 208 is going to be getting Envrio400H MMC.

  2. So if the 490 is getting some existing E200 MMCs from Walworth, does this mean the C10 will become fully electric?

    1. It'll have to happen eventually as it enters the ultra low emission zone.

  3. Looks like the MMCs from the 415 will end up going to the 207. So the LTZ conversion is happening I guess.

  4. Fulwell have ordered 10 new VH's for the 65 so maybe two of them are ordered of the 681.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey, ive heard that the S4 contract is being released in February, but its not updated on the tenders page. Sorry if S4 hasnt been released yet, my bad, its just what ive been told. Please update this if it has.

    1. First I've heard of it? I'll wait until an actual announcement is made unless anything more concrete turns up

  7. Very surprised at the 24 and 27 going to Abellio. Strong chance of E400s makings appearances I think since the early LTZs on both routes need a refurb soon.

    1. I hope so - those workings would be great fun to snap and ride!

  8. Now the consultation results are finally out, what are your thoughts on the 388 going to London Bridge?
    Most of the other cuts are terrible and badly thought through.

    1. Totally agree, it's making a mess of the bus network.

      388 to London Bridge is something I guess, but only shares a few stops with the 48 and goes to a completely different part of Hackney. Will not make a difference to beyond Cambridge Heath which is where it'll really suffer. Seems a tad hypocritical to calmly extend something over an overbussed corridor - shows TfL don't really know what they're doing. That route changes Central London terminus practically every year now ; it's a joke!

  9. Hi, your February 2020 section says 2019.

  10. do you know if theres any tenders for the 358? i dont think it would change company but i know something might replace the CN230's tho

    1. The result will be here when it's ready. I believe some new Streetlites have been ordered to replace them, with the 227 batch.

    2. Ok thanks for replying!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. P5 - going to Abellio with electric single decks (May 2nd 2020)
    C10 - staying with Abellio with electric single decks (March 21st 2020)
    323 - staying with Stagecoach with new electric units. (January 11th 2020)

    Which leaves the door open for the 484 or P13 to go to Go-Ahead’s Camberwell base.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 197 is getting enviro 400 MMCs like the 208

  14. Hi! Big fan of the blog. I am doing a project to practice some coding, trying to map out London's bus routes and depots and match them together with details about the routes. The information in your blog is incredibly useful, is it taken from TFL? I know they have TFL opendata but don't know exactly what there is in there. Trying to find sources I can use. Thanks!

    1. Hello and thank you! Sorry I only just saw this now.

      Try www.londonbusroutes.net


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