Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Route 11 New Buses

   Hello,on the 21st September Route 11's contract was retained by Go-Ahead London with new LT's. However,only six were in service on the first day. So I had to wait 18mins at Trafalgar Square. Yay! (not).

Most of the LT's going towards Fulham Broadway were curtailed so I haven't got a picture of an LT with the blinds displaying Fulham Broadway.

Predictably,the route was bunching due to teething problems with the LT's. So three buses came at once. The third was an LT! So I got on it and rode it to Liverpool Street.

The air-cooling system is working so I didn't feel hot. I did feel hot when the 24 got the LT's in June.

 Annoyingly,at Liverpool Street LT42 decided to go out of service with the blinds not displaying anything.

Thanks for reading! Metrobus 30 post(s) will be next!


  1. The contract for Route 11 was not retained, it was a mid contract upgrade. Same with the 9, 390, 15 when they get NB4L.


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