Hi, just a quick update on the blog. I now have a backlog of 33 posts to do and I will try and get the key ones in ASAP. After May 17th, the posts will start coming more regularly and I will be getting rid of the Upcoming Posts page and will be listing the posts coming up on the 11th of each month. Before I start today, I will say I have covered the 10's LT's, managed to accidentally find a running day on routes 9H and 15H and have seen many more rare workings. I will be covering route 136 extension, route 53, route 54 and route 75 pretty soon, so hopefully these posts will be out soon too! I will not cover route 38 until the complete allocation is out on the route-although the conversion was meant to be yesterday only 14 have been seen on the route. I will now list the posts that should be published in May/early June:
Random Observations-12/04/14
Random Observations-19/04/14
Random Observations-26/04/14
Stagecoach Shambles-Route 53
Stagecoach Shambles-Route 54
Stagecoach Shambles-Route 75
Don't Worry;Be Happy About The 136
The Sole One (Railways)
Imperfect Ten...
Accidental Discovery
and hopefully more (if there's time)....
I also received good news today-SEL763 is back!!!!!!!! I really hope it stays fixed and I will be out to get it soon! There will, of course, be a special post about the SEL763 comeback. Thanks for reading this short post.