Saturday, 29 June 2013

Kings Cross Observations

An odd working on route 46.

Advertisement for the new Despicable Me film on route 59!

An odd working on route 214.

Two TP's waiting at the traffic lights. I could play spot the difference!

There are many odd workings that can be found in Kings Cross.

Kings Cross Garage were supplying many odd workings that day!

An odd working on route 214.

In the distance is a 46 curtailed to Kings Cross.

An odd working on route 390. Unfortunately, the 90 is chopped off.

An odd and short working!!!

The picture below looks like a blazing fire but it's actually a bus!

Wrong blinds? This was taken at 22:30! The N73 isn't supposed to do this. Is it?

Yet another straying DLD!

Another odd working.

Interior of an SP on route 10.

The mysterious N73 going the other way. This time the blinds said Walthamstow Central and it was only 23:20!

Empty Buses Number Three!
Thanks for reading this observations post!

Route 88 New Buses And Other Observations

A new Enviro 400 on route 88.
 Next are various interior shots!

A rear shot!

An SP on route N9.

Same Day, but in daylight! An odd/short working on route 243.