Saturday, 15 June 2013

Chiswick Observations

A month ago, I did some bus observations in Chiswick. Enjoy!

ADH50 on route 27.
 My next pictures were taken at the forecourt of Stamford Brook Bus Garage.

I then went back onto Chiswick High Road. Where I took many pictures...

This was my first odd working of the day.

Predictably, there are more shots of buses with higher frequencies. Sorry for the inconvenience. But that's how life is!

I found it extremely difficult to get a decent shot of route H91. Next we have a pointless short working to Shepherd's Bush Green.

My next set of pictures were taken at Chiswick Business Park. I thought it was more like a bird sanctuary than a business park! This also meant that ADH24 was getting a lot of attention.

I then took the lift back up to the main level. There are now more pictures of Chiswick High Road. Routes 272, 440 and H91 also make their first (and last) appearances.

I waited at this bus stop for three minutes.

My last odd working.

Ah, route 391 again. Thanks for reading!

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