Thursday, 22 August 2013

A Day Out 10/08/13 Part 2: Holloway Bus Garage Open Day part 1

                                              The bus garage was a lot bigger than I thought!

                I walked around the garage remembering the old buses. The RM,RT,RMC and all the rest!

Then I  tried not to look at the LT. But I couldn't help myself. More about that later.

 Then my camera did something weird and I got a cascade of bad pictures. I've deleted them.

                                      Eventually I took a picture of the LT.

Then I covered the 24 new buses again. The last time I tried the bus was very full so I couldn't get interior shots.

                           Then I went over to the stalls. But I didn't buy anything.

Then my camera played up so some of these pictures look like they've been taken late at night.

I walked round the garage again.

So cute!

               For some reason I was hungry. So I went to the canteen and bought some cake.

Thanks for reading this post. Look forward to the next part(s)!

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