Saturday, 29 June 2013

Full Journey For The New Bus For London

Hello, this post is about route 38. Route 38X has now been discontinued due to the fact that LT1-8 have been chosen to run the full length of route 38. Route 38X ran between Victoria and Hackney Central whereas the normal 38 continues to Clapton Pond. The route is very high frequency and has a PVR of 70. It uses Wrightbus Gemini 2's of varying kinds as well as the NBFL.
                                    MY COMMENTS ABOUT THE NEW BUS FOR LONDON!
My first complaint is that they are extremely hot. When I was on a 68 I had three layers on and I didn't feel warm at all. On the NBFL I had one layer on and I was roasting (like a potato!). The windows on the side are too high up. At the very front of the bus (upstairs) it's actually quite a nice ride. But the further back you go it gets worse. The buses are dark upstairs because the back window is tiny. The air-conditioning is appalling. The only good thing about it is that on the outside it looks brilliant. This is also the only type of bus which is better downstairs than upstairs. My second least-favourite bus in London is the B9TL Gemini2. The New Bus For London makes the Gemini seem perfect. Hopefully, I will get to like this type of bus a little more as 600 of these are due to enter service in London by 2016. If you have any more complaints about the New Bus For London please leave a comment and tell me. Thanks for reading another post full of complaints!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not entirely a fan of NB4L's because the ceiling height is too low, so I end up bumping my head when sitting at the back downstairs and I personally strongly agree that the bus isn't green enough. We need electric double dockers not diesel hybrid buses. I do admire the old hop off hop on feature though.


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